A hetvenes évtized második felében indult Madness brit ska-pop zenekar legutóbb 2016-ban adott ki új stúdióalbumot Can’t Touch Us Now címmel, majd 2019-ben is jelentkezett egy The Bullingdon Boys című kislemez- és klipdallal, melyben Boris Johnson miniszterelnököt és etoni elitjét kritizálta. Most 2023-ban az énekes Suggs és zenésztársai az év végére meghirdetett C'est La Vie turnéjukat és november 17-re bejelentett Theatre Of The Absurd presents C’est La Vie albumukat egyszerre három számmal vezetik fel.
A címadó számhoz Helen Mirren színészkirálynővel forgattak beharangozó videót, melyben a művésznő adta elő a néhány francia sorral is megspékelt dalszöveget...
...ma reggel pedig Suggs a BBC Radio 2 adón Zoe Ball műsorában bemutatta a teljes kislemezdalt is, sőt azzal egy időben a What On Earth Is It (You Take Me For?) és If I Go Mad című számokat is közzétették az albumról:
Life begins at five to eight
No time to waste, it will not wait
A lay-in that was yesterday
Up and at 'em into the fray
There'll be no time to catch your breath
The enemy of life is death
So sweep the hallway, mop the wall
Your destinies about to call...
The legislations in the bag
Justice a toothless old hag
It's every man now on his own
It's all for one, you'd better run
And stand up tall against the wall
And one by one you all shall fall
And though you'll try to get back home
Your cupboards bare, without a bone
Je ne le fais pas, c'est la vie
C'est comme ça que ça va être
Stand up tall against the wall
One by one you all shall fall
And though you'll try to get back home
The cupboards bare, without a bone
Some call it Armageddon
I'm sure you've heard them say
It's a Tyrannical heaven
And we're only a moment away
Je ne le fais pas, c'est la vie
C'est comme ça que ça va être
I can barely keep the pace
As I bolt out the door
The watershed dissolves
Into families at war
The crude tube bogs me out
With a cucumber sandwich
Between the cause
And the emotional damage
What on earth is it you take me for
Is your ego doing battle with the ratings
Mocking the afflicted to the very core
Take responsibility for your failings
Take the money, open the box
Take the money, open the box
The problem as I see it
And I'm not one to judge
But your void of compassion
Takes a dive in the sludge
What on earth is it you take me for
Do you judge me purely on the ratings
You bend me like a pretzel, now I'm down on all fours
The money box is open for the takings
Abigail and Brittney perform the truffle shuffle
They are having a go in all the kerfuffle
Now don't squirm in your chair, you are the sole director
So just pull the fucking plug out from its connector
Gawping at the dot, disappear into the screen
Stand up to attention for your country and queen
Fellow brothers and sisters, follow your instinct
Avoid being sucked into the prosperous jive
Take the money, open the box
Take the money, open the box
I can barely keep the pace as I bolt out the door
The ninth bell tolls and it's Pussy Galore
What on earth is it you take me for,,,
Oh lucky man
Where have you been
With your hair on and
What have you seen
'Cause I know
We all need the money
And I know
We all miss the show
A little plastic hat
A little plastic nose
Well have a look
There's a plastic house
And plastic clothes
Sure I know
We all need the readies
And I know
We all love the show
But just give me the future
With the girl I know
If I go mad
Without you
Here's to everybody, to all of my friends
Here's to all the summers we wish would never end
Here's to all the diggies with no fish
All the people that I really miss
Here's to all the summers with no sun
Here's to all the things that we should've never done
Here's to all the sorrow and the pain
All the passengers on this train
Oh you the crooked man
With a crooked smile
Take a walk along the plank
Walk the crooked mile
Sure yes I know
We all need the money
And I know
That we all love the show
Oh but give me the future
With the girl I know
If I go mad
Without you
Will I go mad without you
ez utóbbi dalt már 2021 óta játsszák koncertjeiken:
az új nagylemez borítója és számlistája:
1. Prologue: 'Mr Beckett Sir.'
2. Theatre Of The Absurd
3. If I Go Mad
4. Baby Burglar
5. Act One: 'Surrounded On All Sides...'
6. C'est La Vie
7. What On Earth Is It (You Take Me For?)
8. Hour Of Need
9. Act Two: "The Damsel In Distress...'
10. Round We Go
11. Act Three: 'The Situation Deteriorates...'
12. Lockdown And Frack Off
13. Beginners 101
14. Is There Anybody Out There?
15. The Law According To Dr. Kippah
16. Epilogue: "And So Ladies And Gentlemen...'
17. Run For Your Life
18. Set Me Free (Let Me Be)
19. In My Street
20. Fin.: 'Ladies And Gentlemen...'
a november-decemberi C'est La Vie turné beharangozó kisfilmjei még tavaszról:
összevetésként a legutóbbi 2019-es The Bullingdon Boys kislemezdal...
...és a teljes 2016-os Can’t Touch Us Now album:
Can't Touch Us Now
Good Times
Mr. Apples
I Believe
You Are My Everything
Another Version Of Me
Mumbo Jumbo
Don't Leave The Past Behind You
(Don't Let Them) Catch You Crying
Pam The Hawk
Given The Opportunity
Soul Denying
Whistle In The Dark
Déri Zsolt
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