A Gaslight Anthem nevű New Jersey-i rockzenekar a 2014-es legutóbbi Get Hurt nagylemezének 2015-ös Sziget Fesztivált is érintő turnéja után felfüggesztette működését, hogy Brian Fallon frontember szólókarrierbe kezdhessen (2016-2021 közt négy albumot adott ki), ám a tagok a 2008-as The '59 Sound csúcslemezük tízéves jubileumát ünneplő 2018-as rövid reunion tour után 2022-ben bejelentették az együttes rendes újjáalakulását. Ma az albumbejelentés is megérkezett a címadó klipdallal, melyben legnagyobb példaképük, Bruce Springsteen a vendégénekes.
A veterán dalnokot legutóbbi saját szerzeményekre épülő albumai, a 2019-es Western Stars és a 2020-as Letter To You óta hallhattuk vendégként énekelni Dropkick Murphys-, Bon Iver-, Jenny Lewis-, Bleachers-, The Killers-, Eddie Vedder-, Tom Morello-.és John Mellencamp-kollaborációkban, a Gaslight Anthem azonban különlegesebb helyet foglal el szívében, hiszen földijeiről van szó, akiket már 2009-ben is felkért előzenekarnak – abban az időben többször be is ugrott énekelni és gitározni hozzájuk, illetve saját koncertjeire is meghívta néhányszor duettpartnernek Brian Fallont.
2021-ben, mikor egy New Jersey-i pizzériában Brian arról beszélgetett Bruce-szal, hogy újraindítsa-e a Gaslight Anthemet, az öreg mentor maximálisan támogatta az ötletet, majd egy későbbi levelezésükben még azt is javasolta, hogy ifjabb barátja a készülő új zenekari albumhoz írjon egy olyan dalt, amibe beszállhat ő is duettezni. Íme a végeredmény, a History Books, mely a Gaslight Anthem 2023. október 27-re bejelentett visszatérő nagylemezének címadó dala lett.
What's that you say?
I knew you when?
You don't look too much like my friend
Those history books
Filled up with crooks
Stories I don't want to read again
I've tried to live
One thousand years from here
When I think of it now
It just brings me down
When I think of you now
And when I think of it now
It just brings me down
When I think of you now
I'm keeping time
One day goes by
I try to live till the next one
But these history books
Full of haunted looks
From people I don't want to see again
'Cause I've learned to live
But they try to hold me here
When I think of it now
It just brings me down
When I think of it now
And when I think of it now
It just brings me down
When I think of you now
You just remind me of the
Nights of smoke and dirty jokes
Darkened rooms with lonely ghosts
And they were beautiful some time ago
But time keeps rollin' us on
When I think of it now
It just brings me down
When I think of you now
And when I think of you now
It just brings me down
When I think of you now
You just remind me of the
Nights of smoke and dirty jokes
Darkened rooms with lonely ghosts
And they were beautiful some time ago
But time keeps rollin' us on
Rollin' us on
Rollin' us on
a Gaslight Anthem idén áprilisi Positive Charge című visszatérő kislemezdala, mely szintén rajta lesz a hangmérnök-producer Peter Katis (Interpol, The National, TheTwilight Sad, Kurt Vile stb.) segédletével készült új History Books albumon:
Where did you go?
I would say that to myself often
Like I was dressing up for a coffin to lie down in
I can't say I know
I was overcome the distance
I was lost in my own incidents in my mind
Were you calling me from outside of a dream?
I wanna live, I wanna love you a little longer
I was invincible many years ago when I was so much stronger
I wanna smile like a letter from an old friend
My arms are wide as oceans
How I've missed you, and feelin' good to be alive
Wherever I'd go
There were whispers in the vestibules
Reminders of my time with you on my own
It's hard to know when your mind declares a war on you
Like the thoughts inside my skull would do, like I was blind
And I'm sure I saw the signs, but didn't know
I wanna live, I wanna love you a little longer
I was invincible many years ago when I was so much stronger
I wanna smile like a letter from an old friend
My arms are open oceans
How I've missed you, and feelin' good to be alive
I need a spark
I need a positive charge
Plug it into my veins, make me love this life again
I need a spark
I need a positive charge
Plug it into my brain and make me love my life again
I wanna live, I wanna love you a little longer
I was invincible many years ago when I was so much stronger
I wanna smile like a letter from an old friend
My arms are open oceans
How I've missed you, and feelin' good to be alive
How I've missed you, how I've missed you
Feelin' good to be alive
How I've missed you, how I've missed you
And it's good to be alive
How I've missed you, how I've missed you
How I've missed you, how I've missed you
And it's good to be alive
az új album borítója és számlistája:
The Gaslight Anthem: History Books (2023)
Spider Bites
History Books
Positive Charge
Michigan, 1975
Little Fires
The Weatherman
I Live In The Room Above Her
A Lifetime Of Preludes
ráadásként videofelvételek a zenekar 2015-ös Sziget fellépéséről:
Déri Zsolt
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