Phoebe Bridgers rajongói az elmúlt 24 órában három albumbejelentésnek is örülhettek: a 28 éves kaliforniai dalszerző-gitáros-énekesnő a National együttes áprilisra és a brit Arlo Parks májusra ígért új lemezein való vendégszereplése mellett márciusban saját zenekarának, a két másik fiatal amerikai dalszerző-gitáros-énekesnővel, Lucy Dacusszal és Julien Bakerrel alapított Boygenius indie folk/rock szupergruppnak az első albumát is kiadja.
A trió nagy sikerű 2018-as hatszámos debütáló EP-je óta a három lány énekelt már együtt 2020-2021 folyamán mindhármuk legutóbbi szólóalbumán (Phoebe Bridgers: Punisher, Julien Baker: Little Oblivions, Lucy Dacus: Home Video), sőt még a Paramore-frontcsaj Hayley Williams első szólóanyagának Roses Louts Violet Iris című dalában is. Most végre elkészült az első Boygenius-nagylemez is, mely The Record címmel jelenik meg 2023. március 31-én, de három beharangozó számot máris hallhatunk róla: a $20-ban Julien, az Emily I'm Sorry-ban Phoebe, a True Blue-ban pedig Lucy a fő énekesnő és a fő szerző is.
It's a bad idea and I'm all about it
Give it one more chance and
Then I finally had it
When you wake up, I'll be gone again
Motorcycle in the front lawn
It's an all-night drive from your house to Reno
To the T-bird graveyard where we play with fire
In another life, we were arsonists
How long's the Chevy been on cinder blocks?
Mama told me that it don't run
On wishes but that I should have fun
Pushing the flowers that come up
Into the front of a shotgun
So many hills to die on
Run out of gas, out of time, out of money
You're doing what you can, just makin' it run
(Take a break, make your escape)
Gas, out of time, out of money
You're doing what you can, just makin' it run
(There's only so much I can
Take a break, make your escape)
May I please have twenty dollars?
Gas, out of time, out of money
You're doing what you can, just makin' it run
(There's only so much I can
Take a break, make your escape)
Can you give me twenty dollars?
(Gas, out of time, out of money
You're doing what you can, just makin' it run)
(There's only so much I can
Take a break, make your escape)
(Gas, out of time, out of money
You're doing what you can, just makin' it run)
(There's only so much I can
Take a break, make your escape)
I know you have twenty dollars
I know you have twenty dollars!
She's asleep in the backseat
Looking peaceful enough to me
But she's wakin' up inside a dream
Full of screeching tires and fire
We're comin' back from where no one lives
Pretty much just veterans
When I pointed out where the North Star is
She called me a fuckin' liar
And Emily, I'm sorry, I just
Make it up as I go along
Yet, I can feel myself becoming
Someone only you could want
Headed straight for the concrete
In a nightmare screaming
Now I'm wide awake, spiraling
And you don't wanna talk
Just take me back to Montreal
I'll get a real job, you'll go back to school
We can burn out in the freezing cold
And just get lost
Emily, I'm sorry, baby
You know how I get when I'm wrong (You know how I get)
And I can feel myself becoming (I can feel myself)
Somebody I'm not, I'm not, so
Emily, forgive me, can we
Make it up as we go along?
I'm twenty-seven and I don't know who I am (Don't know who I am)
But I know what I want
Emily, I'm sorry
Emily, I'm sorry
I'm sorry
So we went to the beach
In a deadly heat
But summer's in your blood
You were spinnin' out
You fuck around and find out
Water freezin' in your eyes
You were happy and I wasn't surprised
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
Now you're movin' in
Breakin' a sweat on your upper lip
And gettin' pissed about humidity
And the leaky faucet
You already hurt my feelings three times
In the way only you could
But it feels good to be known so well
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
I remember who I am when I'm with you
Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
You've never done me wrong
Except for that one time
That we don't talk about
Because it doesn't matter anymore
Who won the fight?
I don't know We're not keeping score
I can't hide from you like I hide from myself
I remember who I am when I'm with you
Your love is tough, your love is tried and true blue
(Blue, blue, blue)
FRISSÍTÉS: a három dal Kristen Stewart által rendezett The Film című videosorozata, mely március 31-én debütált a lányok YouTube-csatornáján...
...egy időben The Record című 12 számos első albumuk megjelenéséve!
a nagylemez számlistája és borítója:
Boygenius: The Record (2023)
01 Without You Without Them
02 $20
03 Emily I’m Sorry
04 True Blue
05 Cool About It
06 Not Strong Enough
07 Revolution 0
08 Leonard Cohen
09 Satanist
10 We’re In Love
11 Anti-Curse
12 Letter To An Old Poet
kétperces videó a Rolling Stone magazin borítófotózásáról, ahol a Boygenius-lányok klasszikus Nirvana-zenekarfotókat teremtettek újra:
a Boygenius trió a 2018-as bemutatkozó turnéja után legközelebb 2021 novemberében koncertezett egy San Franciscó-i jótékonysági esten, ahol Joan Baez konferálta fel az együttest:
Déri Zsolt
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